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Strategic new business. Delivered.

We founded Cherry back in 2004 because we felt there was an appetite from agencies for a different breed of new business consultancy. 

One that was strategy-led, shaped around an agency's particular needs and skills gaps, working as a member of their team in-house. We were customer-centric, before that was a thing, because we believed this just made good business sense as well as helping us deliver better results for our agency clients. 

We've always been unashamedly focused on our clients' businesses. 

Remarkably Decent New Business

From the Bible to Daniel Kahneman, 'give and get given' is a long-standing human truth. Reciprocity is rooted in kindness and decency. We've always believed in decency. Being decent. Treating people decently. Doing the right thing. Going beyond. 

This is why Cherry's ethos is Remarkably Decent New Business. This isn't a strapline. It's a belief and it's baked into everything we do. 

We'd be delighted to show you why we're so decent, should you be browsing for a new business partner, or if you're someone trying to crack into new business development and you'd like some advice, please do get in touch.


Katie: +44 (0)7891 254 149

Lucy: +44 (0)7812 913 117



86 - 90 Paul St,

London EC2A 4NE

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